Andrea Hobbs

stitching to stillness

I’ve been stitching, knitting, painting, and crafting things since I was around 6 years old. I qualified as an art therapist 30 years ago. I’ve

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Andrea Hobbs

Wild Ways for 2024

I just tried to entice the dog out into the (very) cold, windy and wet day here in Teesdale, Co Durham. But he’s not having

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Andrea Hobbs

I’m a wild green leaf

I’m a wild green leaf up high blowing in the wind. I have well-defined veins and the water of life flows gently through me now.

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Andrea Hobbs

It’s raining…

Sometimes the weather reflects how we feel, doesn’t it? Although perhaps the reverse is true – that the weather affects how we feel? Pathetic Fallacy.

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Andrea Hobbs

What is success then?

People (including me) talk a lot about how we create our own reality as a reflection of our inner core beliefs. On a simplistic level:

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Andrea Hobbs

A new relationship!

I’m starting a new relationship with Failure. No don’t panic, I’m not ditching the lovely Robert! These days I don’t spend a lot of time

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Andrea Hobbs

New Beginnings

Here I am launching my website and a Blog in July 2023. Something I tried to do back in 2022, or was it 2021 even?

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