stitching to stillness

I’ve been stitching, knitting, painting, and crafting things since I was around 6 years old. I trained as an art therapist 30 years ago. I’ve been learning about meditation for most of that 30 years, on and off. Sometimes I’ve felt accomplished, and often I’ve felt incompetent and frustrated. In my late 50s I’m learning […]

Wild things…safety and balance

Recently I took a trip. Well actually I took a couple of trips, and they were quite different. So different it’s taken me a while to process and integrate them as being real, especially coming so close together. One was planned, and one out-of-the-blue. In early May I took a woodland Quest – disappearing into […]

Wild Ways for 2024

I just tried to entice the dog out into the (very) cold, windy and wet day here in Teesdale, Co Durham. But he’s not having any of it. So I’m settling down to write instead, wrapped up in hat, blanket, scarf and two jumpers: Knitted Up against the cold in the house!  Here we are […]

I’m a wild green leaf

I’m a wild green leaf up high blowing in the wind. I have well-defined veins and the water of life flows gently through me now. Pulsing and singing. When I was growing, it hurt as the flow pushed its way through, bursting me into fullness, vivid greenness; and in my fragility I am easily torn, […]

Growing up – The Knitters Way

I’ve been knitting and crocheting since I was around 7 or 8, and it’s still my very favourite thing to do. My 1st knitted project was a round-necked jumper made with a 1960s stiff nylon yarn that mum had made something with, tired of, unravelled and discarded. Seduced by the vivid colour, I re-used it, […]

It’s raining…

Sometimes the weather reflects how we feel, doesn’t it? Although perhaps the reverse is true – that the weather affects how we feel? Pathetic Fallacy. Thomas Hardy was a master at it. Today I am feeling rained on inside. Outside, the sheep are sheltering along the wall back. The chickens are in the coop. My […]

What is success then?

People (including me) talk a lot about how we create our own reality as a reflection of our inner core beliefs. On a simplistic level: I believe I’m not good enough and the world hates me, so I will experience life as hateful and I will fail; or I believe I am good enough and […]

A new relationship!

I’m starting a new relationship with Failure. No don’t panic, I’m not ditching the lovely Robert! These days I don’t spend a lot of time in my car, which is pretty much the only time I have the radio on and hear anything about what’s happening out in the world. But yesterday I was driving […]

New Beginnings

Here I am launching my website and a Blog in July 2023. Something I tried to do back in 2022, or was it 2021 even? That attempt failed. Why? Because I was trying too hard? Because I wasn’t ready? A timing thing with the planets not being aligned? Maybe I was still fighting too many […]