Mind Calm Meditation – summer outdoor sessions now running – 2024

Would you like to feel a little calmer in 2024? Would you like to learn a super simple method for dialling down your busy mind, getting better quality of sleep, or simply feeling more positive about life in general?

Whether you have tried to meditate on your own using an App, have learned other meditation methods but nothing has really worked, or if you just want to know more more how to feel calmer, then the Mind Calm method is for you. It’s not based on any specific spiritual belief and it really is easy to learn.

Venue: Outdoors around Cotherstone, Lartington and Barnard Castle (if raining we will use the Millenium Room, Cotherstone Village Hall, DL12 9PU)

When: Monday evening 6.30pm on set dates. Usual ending time around 8pm. Optional tea/coffee afterwards (BYO flask!).

Dates as follows for summer 2024:

27th May, 17th June, 29th July, 19th August 2024.

Dates for open group meetings autumn/winter – everyone welcome

30th September, 28th October, and 25th November 2024 at Cotherstone Village Hall.

Cost: £10 per session or £40 for 5 booked in advance.

All summer, autumn and winter sessions are open to anyone who wants to join a local group for support with their regular meditation practice. Thise who have already learned the Mind Calm method with me are also welcome at all sessions. For anyone wishing to learn how to meditate, please contact me to discuss how to get you started.

The summer outdoor sessions in the 2nd-half of the year are more of a guided meditation session and are therefore open to anyone at any stage of your meditation journey wishing to enjoy some relaxation, a more peaceful mind, and an experience of outdoor meditation.

Mind Calm is a practice of sitting quietly that can help to bring us into a state of inner peace and calm. Over just a few short weeks, Andrea can teach you this simple method for meditating that strengthens your ability to focus and dials down the noise of your mind. Mind Calm does not involve sitting in an uncomfortable position, chanting out loud, or a belief in anything specific. It only requires you to be present, willing, and open to learn something new.

Practising meditation as a group can be extremely supportive. If you have learned meditation before, or tried using an App at home on your own, then this is the opportunity for you to develop a more regular habit, build confidence and focus, and gain the support of a friendly group.

All sessions will start at 6.30pm and finish around 8pm and sometimes include a short instructive talk or check-in, some time sitting quietly in practice, and an optional cup of tea and chat afterwards. Dates for sessions are as follows:

27th May, 17th June, 29th July, 19th August, 30th September, 28th October, and 25th November 2024.

There is a weekly ask of £10 per session. If booking for all 5 in advance then I offer £40 for 5 sessions. If the cost is a challenge for you every week, please talk with me about this as other agreements can be made with my discretion.

If you’d like to come along, please call or email Andrea at support@andreahobbs.co.uk or 07899 790126. You can just join by turning up to the first session but there are some contra-indications for people on certain medications, and so it would be really useful to know who and how many are coming along! Thanks

Andrea is an accredited Mind Calm Coach with best-selling author Sandy Newbigging’s Detox Academy and she has been meditating for over 20 years.

She is also a Wild and Art Therapist, and oracle card reader.